The French Parliament just wrote into law the first instance of Free Software priority in a public service, by adopting the Bill on Higher Education and Research. April, after extensively contributing to the debate, especially welcomes this vote and congratulates Deputies and Senators for recognising the importance of Free Software in the Public Service for Higher Education, since it alone can ensure equal access to the future public service. April hopes that this first step will be followed by other legislation in favour of Free Software. It also thanks all the persons who mobilised and contacted the Parliament Members.
Following the Senate, whose vote was on 3 July 2013, the National Assembly adopted on 9 July 2013 the Bill on Higher Education and Research(in French), notably including Article 9 (previously Article 6) which gives priority to Free Software for digital services and educational resources provided by the Public Service for Higher Education.
跟隨著參議院在2013/7/3所作的投票,國民議會在2013/7/9採用了Bill on Higher Education and Research(法文),特別包含了第九條(原第六條),他給予了自由軟體在高等教育這樣的公共設施上的數位服務和教育資源優先權。
Thus, Article 9 of the bill states:
II. – In the aforementioned Education Code, Article L. 123-4-1 is reinstated and reads as follows:
“Art. L. 123-4-1. – The Public Service for Higher Education provides digital services and educational resources to its users.
“Free Software is used as a priority.”
II. – 在上述教育法中,條款 L. 123-4-1 將被恢復如下:
“Art. L. 123-4-1. – 高等教育裡的公共設施將提供數位服務和教育資源給他的使用者 .
For the first time in France, a priority to Free Software has been enshrined in law.
“Free Software priority in the Public Service for Higher Education is a first step and, hopefully, will be followed by the establishment of a real public policy in favour of Free Software,” said Lionel Allorge, the President of April.
“自由軟體在高等教育的公共設施上被優先選擇只是第一步,可以充滿希望的說,之後將會建立一個真正的公眾政策來支持自由軟體。” April的議長Lionel Allorge這麼說。
A similar provision had been introduced by the Senate in the bill about public school reorganisation, but an amendment, introduced by Education Minister, Vincent Peillon, was voted by the National Assembly and unfortunately took the wind out of the provision's sails. In that former instance, the Minister had raised so-called “legal difficulties”,in order to refuse legal status to Free Software priority. April had then sent to the Parliament Members and the Government an analysis of the legal validity of a legislative provision that gives priority to Free Software (PDF, 7 pages, in French).
關於公立學校的改組,類似的規定已經被參議院引進該法案。但已經經由國民議會表決、且由教育部長 Vincent Peillon 推出的修正案卻不幸的使這條款喪失了優勢。之前為了拒絕自由軟體優先權的法律地位,部長曾提過被稱為"法律上的困難"。April曾經寄給國會議員和政府一份分析文件說明給予自由軟體優先權的法律條文將會帶來的法律效益。
“During the discussion of the bill on school reorganisation, the Government and MPs had clearly been manipulated by lobbies, which claimed that giving priority to Free Software was not possible. We welcome the positive move of the Government and MPs, who went back to rating general interest higher than the private interest of a few companies. Free Software is a way to make sure that everyone has access to information, and that students aren't just consumers of digital products,” said Jeanne Tadeusz, April's Public Affairs Officer.
“在校園改組法案的討論過程中,政府和議員們很明顯的已經被聲稱不可能給予自由軟體優先權的團體操控。 我們歡迎政府和議員們重新審視大眾利益高於少數團體的私人利益的積極行為。 自由軟體是確保每個人都能取得資訊的辦法,而且並不是每個學生都是數位產品的客戶。” April 的公共事務主任,Jeanne Tadeusz這麼說。
“Free Software is the digital incarnation of the French Republican motto, ‘Liberty, Equality, Fraternity [Brotherhood],’ and allows everyone to obtain knowledge and understanding. It is therefore essential that Free Software be integrated into our education system, as a priority. We thank the Deputies and Senators for introducing legislation —the first one in France— that gives priority to Free Software,” said Frédéric Couchet, Executive Director of April.
“自由軟體是法國共和政體座右銘的數位化身, "自由、平等、博愛" 並且他允許任個人獲得知識並了解它。 這是為什麼將它整合進我們的教育體系裡是有必要的,這必須是優先事項。 我們感謝立法的眾議員和參議員 ——法國第一次—— 給予了自由軟體優先權。” April 的執行董事,Frédéric Couchet這麼說。
The only thing the text is still awaiting is its enactment by the President of the Republic.
我們寫程式是用微軟的產品,學校教室當然不用擔心這個問題,但是寫作業的時候問題就來了。事實上學校有提供免費版本給學生安裝,但是當時小大一如我半蠢半天真(什麼? 天真與蠢無異?)的不知道要去安裝。好像還跑去下載試用版想說撐他一個月(?)結果下到一半被斷網,偷雞不著蝕把米。