It's time to rally to defense of Southsun Cove. Canach is safely in Lionguard custody, but his dangerous scheme is still in motion. In a misguided effort to help people, Canach made the local wildlife a danger to every settler, tourist, and Consortium employee in island. The Lionguard needs as many brave souls as it can muster to defend the lives of Southsun Cove's residents. If you've got the nerve and the skills, join us in showing Canath how real heroes help people.
-Inspector Ellen Kiel
是時候保衛南陽海灣了。Canach現在被獅子守衛安全的管束著,但他危險的計畫依然在行動。在被誤導的努力之下幫助人民,Canach 讓島上的野生生物變的對所有人來說都很危險,不管是殖民者、遊客還有島上的財團員工都一樣。 獅子守衛需要許多鼓起勇氣的靈魂來協助保護南陽海灣的居民。如果你已經擁有足夠的膽識和能力,加入我們讓Canath瞧瞧真正的英雄是怎麼幫助人民的。
-Ellen Kiel 督察
Subdirector Noll: The Consortium took you in, and this is the thanks we get?
Subdirector Noll: 是財團讓你們過來的,這就是我們得到的感謝嗎?
Aggren Vicegrip: You can't keep us here!
Aggren Vicegrip: 你們不能把我們困在這!
Inspector Ellen Kiel: OKay,all our butts are on the line. And the only way we keep them intact is by working together.
Inspector Ellen Kiel: 好了,我們現在是同一陣線的了。讓他們一起工作是唯一讓他們不要分裂的方式。
Inspector Ellen Kiel: Canath wants to destroy every Consortium record on the island,no matter who gets hurt.
Inspector Ellen Kiel: Canath想要毀滅島上所有財團的紀錄,而他不會在意誰受到了傷害。
Inspector Ellen Kiel: He calls that "help." I say the only help we need is right here.
Inspector Ellen Kiel: 他稱呼他的行為是"幫助",但我會說我們需要的唯一幫助就在這裡。
Inspector Ellen Kiel: We can stop this together. Fight for your homes, for your future. Fight because it's the right to do.
Inspector Ellen Kiel: 我們能夠一起停止這一切。 為你們的家園而戰,也為了你們的未來。 因為那是正確的而戰。
Inspector Ellen Kiel: Or, just fight because you don't want to die. Either way, I'm moving out. Who's with me?
Inspector Ellen Kiel: 或者,只因為不想死而戰。 不管怎麼說,我要開始移動了,誰要跟我一起?
Henrika: Finally, something to do.
Henrika: 終於有點事可以做了。
Aggren Vicegrip: I'd kill to get off this island. And I'd kill the Noll just for fun.
Aggren Vicegrip: 為了離開這島,我會去殺些東西。而且我將會殺死那Noll只是因為好玩。
Marcela Oakaxe: Gotta say, I've missed taking orders from someone who can actually fight.
Marcela Oakaxe: 不得不說,我真懷念那些真正能打的傢伙下的指令。
Subdirector Noll: Why don't the settlers show this much verve in their daily work?
Subdirector Noll: 為什麼這些殖民者不在每天的工作裡展現這種氣魄?
Aggren Vicegrip: Remember when we didn't live here? Those were the days.
Aggren Vicegrip: 記得我們不住在這裡的時候嗎? 那些老日子。
Tergvi: I miss my homestead, but it's gone. So I'm making the best of things here.
Tergvi: 我想念我的家鄉,但是那已經不存在了。 所以我在這裡作我能做的最好的事情。
Aggren Vicegrip: We did good. I wonder if we're enough to fight our way off this rock.
Aggren Vicegrip: 我們做得很好了。 我希望我們夠好來在這些岩石上殺出一條路來。
Subdirector Noll: (panicked gurgle)What...What happened?
Subdirector Noll: (恐慌的咯咯聲)怎...怎麼回事?
Inspector Ellen Kiel: Oops. Looks like Canath was one step ahead us after all. What a shame.
Inspector Ellen Kiel: 歐...看來Canath似乎最後還是領先了我們一步。真丟人。
Inspector Ellen Kiel: Luckily, my Lionguard had orders to clean the ship if anything unexpected happened.
Inspector Ellen Kiel: 幸運的是,如果任何預料外的狀況發生,我的獅子守衛將會去清理那艘船。
Inspector Ellen Kiel: And hey! Without those records, the settlers have no more reason to riot. So things aren't all bad.
Inspector Ellen Kiel: 而且、 嘿! 沒有這些紀錄,殖民者們沒有理由暴動了,所以事情還不算太糟。
Subdirector Noll: I see. You're in serious trouble, Inspector. I advise you to make those explanations very, very good.
Subdirector Noll: 我了解了。 你有個大麻煩了,督察。我建議你最好做出些非常好的解釋。(怒跑)
Inspector Ellen Kiel:Thanks, but I'm not worried. Turns out I'm fairly adept at thinking on my feet.
Inspector Ellen Kiel: 謝謝,但我不太擔心。 我頭腦還不錯。(愉悅調)
Inspector Ellen Kiel: I had to improvise to get this results you wanted. But the way is clear for next month's festival.
Inspector Ellen Kiel: 我必須湊出你想要的結果,等到下個月的節日一切都會明瞭拉。
Captain Magnus the Bloody-Handed: Sounds good. I just hope it's good enough to justify the earful I'm going to get from Consortium.
Captain Magnus the Bloody-Handed: 聽起來不錯。我只希望那足以解釋我將會從財團那聽到的抱怨。
Captain Magnus the Bloody-Handed: But Canach's in custody, the settlers are happy, and Noll is furious. I call that a good day's work.
Captain Magnus the Bloody-Handed: 但Canach正被管束著,殖民者們很開心,而且Noll超生氣的。 我會說今天真是個好日子。
Inspector Ellen Kiel: Thanks you, sir, but there's still a lot to be done here.
Inspector Ellen Kiel: 謝謝你,先生。但這裡還有很多工作要做。
Captain Magnus the Bloody-Handed: That's not your problem. You haven't taken a day off since I've know you. Take three.
Captain Magnus the Bloody-Handed: 這不是你的問題了。 從我認識你開始你就沒休過假。拿著這些。
Captain Magnus the Bloody-Handed: Go buy a swimsuit and sit on the beach. Meet somebody. Do dancing. Anything.
Captain Magnus the Bloody-Handed: 去買件泳裝然後坐在沙灘上。認識一些人、跳舞、任何事情。
Captain Magnus the Bloody-Handed: Just be something other than a Lion guard for a while. That's an order.
Captain Magnus the Bloody-Handed: 只要暫時別當獅子守衛。 這是命令。
事後Captain Magnus the Bloody-Handed表示:Kiel很有能力,現在讓我們看看他知道知道怎麼放鬆,不過很明顯他不知道阿XD